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Conference “Cognitive Decline and Epilepsy”

avril 8, 2023

Conference “Cognitive Decline and Epilepsy”

Date 08/04/2023, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Localisation  Golden Age Hotel
Adresse  57 Michalakopoulou Street, Athens
Société scientifique / Agence Panhellenic Scientific Association against Epilepsy (P.E.S.E.)
Organisateur professionnel / PCO Congrès de Myrtalie
Téléphone 2651073519
Courriel :  info@myrtalycongress.gr
Site web www.myrtalycongress.gr

“Cognitive Decline & Epilepsy” is the theme of the conference organized by the Panhellenic Scientific Association against Epilepsy (P.E.S.E.), on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at the Golden Age Hotel in Athens (Michalakopoulou 57, 115 28). The work of the conference will be conducted exclusively live. The day “Cognitive Impairment & Epilepsy” is part of the ongoing efforts of P.E.S.E. for scientific education on epilepsy and is intended exclusively for qualified and specialist physicians. (Registrations of students and nurses will not be accepted).